Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm back after a brief vacation

Bloomingdale's Continued Sunday Parking Woes
for 2/26/2012
 Yep, still illegal to park in this spot.

 Parking here makes me closer to God.

It may not be illegal to park like this in Maryland (where the car is from)
but it is in DC. 

 I'm sure this big Suburban doesn't make it hard for someone pulling into the intersection
to see other cars or pedestrians.

Yep, the sign behind the Jeep says No parking here to corner.
PS- The Lexus in front of the Jeep is MPD Staff Tag from a few weeks ago.
Seems she though parking illegally a block away was better. 

 Maybe the sign in front of my car doesn't apply since I'm rolling in a Land Rover.

Hey Mazda-  That fancy brick area is actually a crosswalk!  You can't park there. 

Hmm...Maybe know one will notice that I'm parked in a Metro Bus Stop. 

Apparently double parking is acceptable when you're going to church.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The response from Mt Pleasant Baptist Church

Super Bowl Sunday Edition 

 When you're trying to pray for your team to win the Super Bowl,
don't let a fire hydrant get in your way!

 I didn't see a no parking sign?!

 No parking from the sign to the corner.

 What do you mean I can't park here and go to church?

 It's ok to block someones driveway, I'm going to church.

 Yes, we're taking your picture.

 Oh, am I stopped in a crosswalk?

 That sign can't be for me.

 What bus zone?

All the cars in the photo are parked in the bus zone!